Hello Friday


I'm at the beginning of a 3 day weekend and loving the open, free as a bird feeling.
OK, yes there are dishes that need to be done and laundry that needs folding and probably some dusting and  straightening up to be done. But they can be done when and as I feel fit. Does that make sense?

During the week I've been staying with my parents while I work. So it feels like a vacation from home, which is sort of good and sort of bad. I miss my bed and being at home, but it's nice to be with my parents as well.

So not much new is happening. I'm thankful for the cooler temps around here. I seriously don 't like HOT weather. Like not at all.

I was introduced to some tasty Gelato that we sell at my work. And let me say that it's dangerously delicious.

It's so creamy and practically melts in your mouth. And probably straight to my hips too.

When we got married, my sister bought us this really great Cuisinart Coffee pot that ground the beans for you.
Well two years later, it stopped working :(
And we have started using our percolator full time now.

We will never go back to a plastic coffee pot.
This percolator is old and still percolating.
The taste of coffee brewed with a percolator is THE BEST. A percolator can get the water REALLY hot, which is the secret to brewing great coffee. And of course you have to have quality beans and grind those fresh as well. 
The bag in the above pic is from a local roasting company and this particular roast is called "Dang Good Decaf". It totally lives up to it's name.

And here is out method of grinding. A hand crank.
The hubby loves it, probably because it's like a toy.
It smells the house up with yummy coffee goodness.
( You can see the old coffee pot behind the grinder before it's burial. RIP Cuisinart. )

Maybe this post should have been labeled "Ode to Coffee"???

These cooler temps here in Arkansas are making me have FALL FEVER something fierce! 
I'm so ready for the pumpkins and apple pie, cooler nights, bonfires and sweaters!
Come on Fall, we're ready for you!

I hope you are enjoying your Friday!:}

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