It's A New Year


So like everyone else, I'm here with a New Year's post :)
And no, I haven't taken my tree down.
Hubby says it has to come down on January 1st.
I say it can stay up all year!
Ok, not really.
Well....maybe yes! Ha!
I am reflecting on 2012 and thinking about the year, and the many things that went on with our families. The good, the bad and some ugly. Some very ugly.
So I am hopeful about 2013, like I am every year at this time.
I'm going to lose one zillion pounds, drink only green smoothies, be nicer to EVERYONE, dust the ceiling fans more often, remember to floss, get oil changes on time, be better about calling people back, etc., etc.
I do know that 2013 will be one for the books. I have high hopes and dreams of what is possible with God this year and many more to come.
I'm choosing to claim His victory and LIVE.
I will not pass up the fun things to sit this year out on the sidelines.
I want to be THAT girl. The girl that others wonder what in the world has gotten into her?!
I also thought about focusing on a few words to help me stay focused all year on what's really important.
But then I got distracted and couldn't remember the words.
This isn't going very well is it?
So here are a few words I did think will bring in this New Year right.
Seek - First and foremost I want to set aside the first part of my day EVERYDAY to seek God.
Thru prayer and Bible reading, I want to make the relationship I have with God #1.
Because everything falls into place when you put your Creator first. Everything.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8
Health- I have written posts and babbled on to anyone who would listen about wanting to get healthier. But it was just words. My walk never caught up to my walk. Shameful.
So instead of making this another year that I don't get healthy and take better care of myself, I'm going to make this THE YEAR that I finally kick my unhealthy act out the door, and welcome in the Zumba loving girl I know is hiding inside of me. And I want you all to know, that by the grace and mercy and love of God, this WILL be the year I get pregnant. I am going to do everything possible to make this body healthy and prepare it to grow a baby. I get goosebumps just thinking about that!
Whole- I don't know about you, but over here at the Jeter house, we have watched one too many Netflix documentaries. Farmageddon, Fresh, Food Inc., Forks Over Knives, and my favorite; Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. (What a title!) So needless to say we are tenderhearted animal lovers and to see and hear and read what REALLY happens to the food we buy from the grocery store is heart sickening to us. Not to mention gross. We are trying to be more sensitive to the food we buy and eat. Eating WHOLE food and not processed. And choosing to make more at home, like breads, soups, etc.We will choose farmer's market over grocery store every time and I will be more serious about gardening this year and putting back our bounty. To this day we still have veggies and squash hanging out in the freezer that were put up when their taste of summeryness was at it's peak. The hubby is a hunter and we also try and find local/organic; sources for beef, chicken, pork, etc. And of course you know about the chickens in the backyard right? Let's not talk about the fact that they are NOT laying eggs though, ok? Spring is coming.
"Whatever is TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is RIGHT, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is ADMIRABLE- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. "
Phillipians 4:8
Intentional- I want to be more intentional with my time and relationships. I could easily waste half a day or more sipping coffee, reading books, looking at blogs. I want to get into a routine of doing chores/housecleaning/tasks everyday so that I stay on top of things and don't let the dishes/laundry/dust bunnies pile up. It's happened before. Don't judge. I also hope to get in the routine of having the hubby help me with the housework and I will help him with the yard work etc. I think we will both appreciate each other much more when we work side by side and can enjoy a neat and tidy home. And as for relationships, I often text people instead of calling them. And it woudl be even better if I actually had some real face time with them. My life should not be too busy that I can't have real life meet ups with friends and family. Nurturing relationships is important!
"Be very careful then, how you live.....making the most of every day opportunity because the days are evil."
Ephesians 5:15-16
Simplify- I want to cut out any junk that keeps me from God. Period. You know what I'm saying. Spending too much time with the tv/computer/iPhone looking at Netflix/Pinterest/Instagram. We haven't had "tv" in our house for over 2 years and sure sometimes I miss it. And then when we are somewhere that has cable/dish/direct, I remember why I'm glad we don't have it. Even if you are watching a wholesome show, the commercials and other stuff are junk.
Encourage- I want to encourage others on this journey thru life. And I only want to be surrounded by others who are also encouraging. I no longer need to be a part of gossip or any sort of talk that is negative. Especially when it pertains to other people. I want to act and walk in love and let my light shine for all to see. If it isn't beneficial or nice, I'm going to try my best to not say it.
" Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
Ephesians 4:27
I could probably think of a few more words to add for this years goals. I'm kind of wordy if you haven't noticed:)
Please know that I'm writing all this out for me. I need to be accountable. I am not perfect. I wll trip and fail. I will forget to take my vitamins everyday. I will choose ice cream over broccoli and I will no doubt say lots of things I shouldn't and hurt people's feelings.
But thankfully, I have a loving and forgiving God. A God who planned out my life and knows my every step, my every thought. He is merciful and amazing. And He will help me make my wrongs right, and stand me back up when I have fallen yet again.
Talk about the ultimate insurance plan!
When I came across this verse, it hit me HARD.
"When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it."
Ecclesiates 5:4-5
I would love for you to share with me any goals or hopes you have for this year?



  1. I think those are great goals! We are hoping for a pregnancy this year as well. When you're not just eating healthy for you, but for the little, precious life that's going to depend on you, I think it becomes easier. At least that's what I'm telling myself. :)

    I wish you a happy, healthy, blessed and pregnant 2013!

  2. What a great lists of resolutions!! :) Thanks for helping motivate me! I still need to sit down and actually make a list of resolutions instead of letting them float around in my head :)

  3. Rachel-
    I love this post- so, so much!! I am kind of a huge dork when it comes to all of this new year's stuff, reading what other people's thoughts on it all is so inspiring to me-- and as always, I learn something or come away with a different perspective. A lot of your goals are mine, too...I really want to make it a point to try and connect with other people that are working towards some of the same goals as me this year so we can help support each other. I am excited to see where this year takes you!!
    Happy New Year Rachel!

  4. Thank you for posting this! I love your goals!! :) I have a lot of the same goals (except having a baby...that's still a few years away for us). I do have to let you know that I stole the last verse you posted and posted it in my blog, because I loved it that much! You are truly an inspiration, Rachel. Thank you so much for your encouraging posts! I'm excited to see what's in store for you this year!! :) Happy New Year!


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